Certified Professional Agile Coach (PAC)

The Professional Agile Coach education will give you the competences and techniques, that is needed to perform as an Agile Coach or Scrum Master in a professional context. This is a natural next step after your Professional Scrum Master class.

To be an Agile Coach is a complicated role, that requires broad and deep knowledge and precise feedback on how and where to improve. This is the core in the Professional Agile Coach education. The education is based on decades of practical experience and a solid theoretical foundation from Professional Business Facilitering (IAF), Training from the Back of the Room!, Professional Coaching (ICF), NLP, Management 3.0 etc. The participants will be challenged during the entire education and each participant will achieve personal development to establish and refine a strong foundation as a Professional Agile Coach.

Planned Professional Agile Coach programs in English

Location: Nordhavn, Copenhagen

The PAC education is a corporation between